torsdag den 4. oktober 2012

The Funen Village

The Funen Village is an open-air museum that presents a funen village milieu as it could have appeared in the time of Hans Christian Andersen. It was very interesting to see how the society once was in relation to our days where social media is very central. 

We were given some tasks to answer while exploring the village. 

In task 1 we had to visit Tommerup Præstegård along with Katterød Hospital and Melbyhuset

To use a toilet one had to go either outside or to the bedroom. In Tommerup Præstegård there was a toilet inside because they were rather rich and the man of the house was a priest. Katterød Hospital was a poorhouse, which is why they did not have the best facilities. Melbyhuset was a typical little farm, and it was very common to have a toilet outside. 

In task 2 we had to answer the question: 'How many of the houses in the village have half-timbering?'. 

We can surely say that all the houses have half-timbering.

In task 3 we had to think about how they got their water back then. 

They got the water with a pump or a well, as the houses did not have water pipes. If there were neither a pump or a well, they would collect the water from the lake in a bucket. 

In task 4 we had to visit the three mills: Maderup, Davende and Skamby Torup

The mill was the most important source of energy to the agricultural section and the energy was used to grind flour. 

Different kinds of power kept the mills running. In Maderup it was wind, in Davende it was water and in Skamby Torup it was horsepower. 

In task 5 we had to visit Vigerslevhuset.

Vigerslevhuset was home to an old man who made wooden shoes. 

In task 6 we had to visit the classroom in Eskær Skole

There were room for about 30 students in the classroom and it was heated with a stove.

In task 7 we had the visit the dining room at Fjeldstedgården

3 people are sitting around the table and the servants did not have places to sit around the table. They were too busy serving and they were not to sit with the 'fine' people. 

The people sitting at the table are eating oatmeal and bread, a very nutritional meal for people working in the fields. 

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